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By 7011824983 02 Nov, 2022
Your furnace is one of the most important investments, and pieces of equipment, in your home. It pays to keep track of just how efficiently and effectively your warm air oil or natural gas furnace is running. It's crucial to know when to replace it before it costs you more in repairs than a new purchase or if it becomes unsafe. A comfortable and healthy home environment requires an energy-efficient and safe heating system. You need one that heats the home without using large amounts of energy and that doesn't endanger the indoor air quality. How Do You Know When It's Time To Consider Getting A New Furnace? If your oil or natural gas furnace is 12 years old or younger, and has been properly maintained, you shouldn't need to worry about replacing your unit just yet.* Instead, you should spend some time and money to improve the energy-efficiency in other areas of your home and ensure that you perform regular, proper maintenance of your furnace to keep it lasting longer. "Warning Signs" of a failing furnace It is important to be aware of some warning signs from your oil or natural gas furnace that indicate it may need replacing. A cold, snowy winter night with a failing or faltering furnace is not the time to assess your heating system. It pays to be prepared and information is the key to making a wise decision. Below are some "warning signs" that you should be looking for. Of course, not all of them may apply to your particular equipment but you may use them as a general rule of thumb to gauge just how much life you have left in your furnace:* 1. How old is your furnace? A good place to start is to compare your oil or natural gas furnace age to the national average. The average life expectancy of furnaces in homes today is between 16 and 20 years.* If your furnace is close to this age or older, you should begin shopping. Shopping for a replacement furnace in an emergency does not allow time for you to make your best decision. Most people prefer to replace their furnace as a planned home improvement rather than a panic replacement when your furnace is faltering or has already failed. The typical lifespan of a warm air furnace will vary based on its operating environment, that's why it's important to have the system serviced regularly by a qualified technician. They will be able to properly assess the condition of the furnace and make any recommendations. 2. Are your energy bills going up? Rising energy costs are not the only reason for high bills. Furnaces often lose their efficiency as they age, especially if they have not been properly maintained. As a result your oil or natural gas furnace may run longer to provide the same amount of heat. This will cause your energy bills to go up. And, all of the money you pay your energy utility companies every month could be used to help you pay for a new, much more energy-efficient and energy saving furnace. 3. Have you had any furnace repairs in the last 2 years? Furnaces are like cars. As they age, you can replace one part only to need another part replaced or repaired next year. It doesn't take long to spend $500 just to keep an old oil or natural gas furnace running. Furnaces incur the most breakdowns in the last 2 years of their lives. Another repair sign is whether you had to wait to get parts replaced. As a furnace ages, it gets harder to source replacement parts...Waiting that can be really cold on a night with freezing temperatures! 4. Does your thermostat keep you comfortable? Do you feel that some rooms are too cold while others are too hot? Or are you always trying to adjust your thermostat to make your home more comfortable? This is a sign that your furnace lacks the ability to properly distribute the air to keep you comfortable in your home. 5. If you have a natural gas furnace, is your burner flame yellow instead of blue? All heating systems run the risk of carbon monoxide emissions. However, owners of older chimney-vented oil-fired furnaces don't necessarily face the same safety concerns posed by natural gas and propane, since oil-fired boilers and forced-air furnaces tend to be much less likely to produce carbon monoxide. If you have a natural gas or propane furnace, a yellow or flickering flame may be a sign that poisonous carbon monoxide could be created by your furnace. Other possible signs of carbon monoxide are: *Streaks of soot around furnace *Absence of an upward draft in your chimney *Excess moisture found on windows, walls, or other cold surfaces *Excessive rusting on flue pipes, other pipe connections, or appliance jacks *Small amounts of water leaking from the base of the chimney, vent, or flue pipe *Rust on the portion of the vent pipe visible from the outside *Family ailments such as headaches, nausea, disorientation and flu-like symptoms Always be mindful and monitor your furnace for any of the signs noted above and always make sure to have carbon monoxide detectors on every floor of your home, particularly close to your furnace room. 6. Is your furnace making strange noises? Old furnaces often start to make some strange noises as they get toward the end of their life. Have you heard any banging, popping, rattling, or squealing noises coming from your furnace? Another noise is when you hear the furnace blower running excessively. Does your blower turn on and off frequently or does it blow cold air sometimes? If so, this is a sign that your furnace may need to be replaced. 7. Is your house dry or dusty? Old furnaces often lack the ability to moisturize and clean the air in your home. Your house air may feel stuffy or stale. Does anyone in your family suffer from allergies to airborne dust, mold, pollen, viruses or dander? Or does anyone suffer from dry nose, dry throat, or dry skin? Other signs may be frequent dust accumulation, static shocks drooping plants and furniture cracking. These may seem like trivial observations but all suggest that your old furnace is not capable of providing you with the comfort you and your family may want and need. Poor indoor air quality may also not be associated with on old furnace, poor ventilation and other reasons can cause it, too. Please contact us to have one of our service technicians assess your situation as we may have other air quality services and solutions for you. If any of these "warning signs" apply to you, it might be time to consider the purchase of a new furnace. Think you need a new furnace? Don't despair. It may end up helping you save! It's a fact that a new furnace for your home is one of the more substantial costs involved in home ownership. But, it should also be seen as a long-term investment. All of the latest furnaces are much more energy-efficient than those installed even 20 years ago. So, while it may seem like a short-term larger expense, a new, more energy-efficient home heating system will more than likely save you money in the longer-term by lowering your annual energy costs. We've got the furnaces you need to help you save. By installing a new home furnace or heating system from Quality Air, LLC you'll improve your home's value, enjoy fast installation and professional training on your new heating system and qualified customers can take advantage of some great financing options. And, we've got all of your furnace maintenance and repair needs covered. Whether you need to maintain the furnace you have or need to protect the investment in a new furnace purchase, the right service plan makes all the difference. Our multiple service contract and protection plan options provide the tune-up, repair and maintenance services required to protect your furnace investment. All backed by our commitment to service and support - whatever the weather. Think you need a new furnace? Have one of our technicians assess your current furnace. Call 864-517-5950 now. Make sure your current furnace is operating efficiently by scheduling a tune-up.
By 7011824983 26 Jul, 2022
You may experience cooling issues this summer and wonder if your thermostat is the culprit. Unfortunately, when things go wrong, many issues could affect your home's efficient cooling. Luckily there are a few ways to detect whether or not your thermostat is the key to your frustrations. Rising Bills Your thermostat reads the temperature of the room and attempts to adjust it to the selected degree. Unfortunately, a faulty thermostat will often misjudge the temperature, registering that it is warmer than it actually is. That will create a situation where your AC system is working too hard for more extended periods of time, causing your energy bills to rise. Thermostat Locked In Settings One of the most straightforward ways to deduce that your thermostat is faulty is to discover whether it's repeating the same settings. An easy way to test your efficiency is to notice how quickly your system turns on when you change your settings. If the machine doesn't turn on immediately, then it's likely you have a thermostat issues. Aged System An older or outdated system is prone to malfunctions. The electrical issues that come from years of use leave the thermostat as the main suspect in your air conditioner troubles. While fixing this issue may provide some temporary comfort, another problem will likely arise soon. If you feel as if you're dealing with an outdated or aged system, contact a professional and have them guide you in the process of replacing it with a new or better model. Uneven Temperatures If some of the rooms in your home are warmer or cooler than others, this is another sign of a faulty thermostat. Any time you feel that the degree you've set for your thermostat doesn't reflect the temperature you feel, you may have a thermostat issue. In addition to the discomfort you feel in some areas of the house, it can also cause bills to rise as a result of over-cooling. System Won't Turn On/Off Faults in the wiring would cause your system to become completely unreliable. Fortunately, if your AC is not turning on or off, you can narrow down your list of possible issues. The problem is most likely an electrical complication in your thermostat. Frequent Starting And Stopping When the calibration of your thermostat is off, it could cause major cooling issues. The starting and stopping of your unit will often negate any substantial cooling effects while running up your energy bills. If you feel that your AC is behaving in this way, it requires immediate attention. Consistent Running Another possible effect of a misreading in temperature is that your system seems to run consistently without ever shutting off. The good news is that your house is most likely reaching its cooling temperature, but the problem is that it then keeps going. As a result, your AC is overworking, trying to reach a degree that is way past your intended limit, and an overworked system equals more money out of your pocket. Short Cycling Improper temperature readings will cause your system to cut off prematurely before the cycle finishes. Short cycling is another problem that will cost you money. Faulty Readings A portable indoor thermometer will let you know if your AC actually performs at the temperature you set. It's the job of the thermostat to read the current temperature properly and then adjust from there. If the two readings are at odds, then it's likely you need a replacement thermostat. Temperature Shifts A faulty thermostat will change its settings on its own. When this happens, the temperature of your home may fluctuate throughout the day. It's likely you need a replacement and you should contact an expert to assist you in making your house a cool and comfortable environment. AC REPAIR THAT CUSTOMERS TRUST You could be in the middle of one of the worse time of the year in the Upstate to have a bad thermostat. Uneven temperatures or rises in your bill might have you in a bind since you don't know where the issue originates. Quality Air, LLC is here to aid you with your heating and cooling needs. Call us today to speak to a trained professional about keeping your family cool this summer.
By 7011824983 20 Jul, 2022
Springtime brings more brightness into our lives, inspires a surge of new energy, and a primordial urge to do spring-cleaning and prepare our homes to enjoy the longer days, fragrant nights, and warm weather. In today's modern world, balmy weather means making your cooling system your best friend. It's only natural that many homeowners start getting their air conditioning ready for spring and summer. At Quality Air LLC we want to make sure your air conditioner or heat pump is highly functional and ready to work hard for you and your family in the upcoming hot seasons. We put together a list of 7 ways you can prepare your home and cooling system for warmer temperatures, and help ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable while your energy costs remain manageable as well. 1.Check Your Filter Warmer weather is around the corner – make sure you check your air filter before you turn on your air conditioner or heat pump, and then check it at least once a month during summer. If the air filter is visibly dirty, it’s time to replace it. Dirty air filters restrict airflow and make your cooling system operate less efficiently. Your air quality and efficiency will be improved simply by replacing your air filter. 2.Seal Air Leaks You can increase the efficiency of your air conditioner or heat pump by sealing air leaks in your home – caulk around doors and windows, seal around exterior electrical outlets and plumbing fixtures replace deteriorating weather stripping. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), leaky ductwork can decrease the energy efficiency of your cooling system by as much as 25 percent, so make sure you get HVAC experts to perform a pressure test to determine if your cooling system’s ductwork is wasting energy and money. Eliminate leaks and enhance your cooling system’s efficiency and performance by having professionals seal and insulate your ducts. Proper insulation and sealing will help your system run much more efficiently and safely. 3.Check Your Thermostat Sometimes, things that seem obvious are often neglected – such as turning your thermostat to “cool”. Now, if you set your thermostat to keep your home cool 24 hours a day, it can send your energy bills through the roof. The solution? A thermostat you can program. You will enjoy better control of the temperature in your home, plus may save some energy money along the way. You can schedule the device to raise the temperature setting during the night or when you’re away from home and that way reduce your energy bills by 10 percent or more. Even better – select a Wi-Fi enabled programmable thermostat and have it installed this spring, and then program it from your computer or mobile devices. 4.Check Attic and Other Areas Around Your Home If your house has an attic, spring is a perfect time to check its insulation level to ensure maximum cooling efficiency during the hot seasons. If you have less than 10 inches of insulation, you should increase it and potentially save hundreds of dollars each year on energy bills. Proper insulation will help your HVAC system run much more efficiently and safely. Check the area around your AC or heat pump and make sure it’s clear. Check the outdoor condensing unit and clear debris, such as leaves and dead grass, around it. Also, trim down any foliage near the unit to ensure adequate airflow. 5.Check the Drain Line When your cooling system is operating excess moisture gets drained. The drain line should periodically be checked to make sure there are no blockages. To inspect the drain line, look for water running out of your outside drain while your AC or heat pump is running, and if you don’t see any water, it may be a sign of a clogged drain line. 6.Get a Tune-Up Since we switch our cooling system on and off frequently and typically use it continually for long periods of time, we need to take steps to have it inspected regularly and prevent damage from wear and tear. Preventative maintenance for a highly functional air conditioner extends the service life of your cooling system and enables it to operate at up to 25 percent better efficiency, which means you’ll also enjoy lower utility bills. So be proactive and get a professional air conditioning or heat pump tune-up to ensure that your refrigerant is set at the optimum level, all components are operating properly and your system is running efficiently. 7.Consider an Upgrade If your cooling system is broken, or old and inefficient, spring is a great time to replace it. Your HVAC contractors will make sure your new cooling system is properly sized and installed to make your home nice and cool, but also to run more efficiently, which can save you significantly on both your upfront expenses and energy bills in the future. Quality Air LLC's team of HVAC experts brings decades of experience to make your home safe and comfortable by delivering preventative maintenance, a brand new installation, or a whole-home energy assessment. Turn to our skilled technicians for all of your cooling system needs in Greenville, Simpsonville, Mauldin and surrounding areas in the Upstate of South Carolina and Western North Carolina. Temperatures are about to start rising – make an appointment for your air conditioning service or upgrade today. 864-505-7250
By 7011824983 15 Jul, 2022
South Carolina summers can be brutally hot with high humidity that makes the air feel heavy and stagnant. The last thing any homeowner wants on these sweltering days is to find that their air conditioning unit is not functioning properly. Your A/C unit can malfunction for several reasons. If you experience any of the following issues, what should you do? 1. THE UNIT DOESN'T RUN AT ALL When you switch on the air conditioning and nothing happens, your first thought may be to replace the unit. However, there are a few steps you can take to check that the unit has broken down. First, make sure the air conditioner is plugged in and that the power source has not failed. A blown fuse or circuit breaker can be repaired for way less that a new A/C unit! You should also reset and lower the thermostat about five degrees to make sure the temperature gauge is not faulty. 2. THE UNIT DOESN'T COOL THE HOUSE It can be frustrating when your air conditioner is running but you do not feel adequately cooled. The first step homeowners can take to remedy this situation is to lower the termostate. On extremely hot days, our units have to work much harder to keep your home cool. If this does not help, clean the evaporator and air filters to remove any dust that may be blocking the airflow. When these troubleshoots fail, consider a replacement. If you've added square footage to your home, the unit could now be an improper size for the space. 3. THE UNIT IS NOISY WHEN IT RUNS Your air conditioner makes a noise when it turns on, but sounds should stop once the unit is running. In the event you hear any banging, buzzing, clicking or squealing, it's a telltale sign that the unit is starting to fail. What causes these noises? BANGING: Indicates that a part is loose within the unit. BUZZING: Suggest that the thermostat could be failing. SQUEALING: Hints that the A/C belt may need to be replaced. 4. THE UNIT TURNS ON AND OFF Lastly, when your air conditioner turns on and off at random, it's a sign that the unit needs to be cleaned. Homeowners can easily remove and dust off air filters themselves, as well as remove any obstructions in the surrounding area. An HVAC professional can perform a thorough inspection and cleaning of the coils to ensure there are no airflow blockages. When summer arrives, it is essential to have a properly functioning air conditioning unit for your home. Schedule a service call for air conditioner maintenance through Quality Air, LLC today!
By 7011824983 15 Jul, 2022
The swings between bitter cold and the heat and humidty in the Upstate can stress heating and cooling equipment. The home HVAC equipment is among one of the biggest expenses faced by a homeowner, and it's critical to protect that investment in equipment through preventative maintenance. Preventative maintenance on your HVAC equipment will not only ensure the system is operating at maximum efficiency but will also extend the life of that equipment. Government research shows that a regular tune-up of your heating and cooling system will save you money in the long run because of reduced energy costs. The high efficiency air conditioners on the market now can cut eletric bills significantly but only if they are properly maintained. When a trained service technician comes to your home to perform the maintenance check, they will do the following: Check refrigerant levels and inspect for leaks Clean and straighten condenser coils to ensure proper air flow Check gas connections for leaks Tighten all electrical onnections Lubricate all moving parts Test thermostat to make sure it's cycling on and off properly Check the air filters Most manufacturers of heating and cooling equipment require annual preventative maintenance on the equipment to maintain the warranty. Many contrators offer service contracts that will include a visit in the spring to tune-up the air conditioning system and a visit in the fall to prepare the heating system for winter. When you sign a maintenance agreement, you will also likely receive discounts on repairs and the purchse of new equipment. Quality Air, LLC has more than 60 years of combined experience taking care of homeowners and business owners in the Upstate of South Carolina and Western North Carolina. Our goal is to educate customers about energy and home/business comfort issues specific to HVAC systems. Quality Air, LLC service Greenvile, Simpsonville, and surrounding areas. We also provide service to parts of Western North Carolina. For more information and to access seasonal specials, check our website at and follow us on Facebook.
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